Monday, June 4, 2007

Principal Of Power Saving

Principle of Power Saving

Principal of returning the heat energy lost by reistance to effective energy

01. Electron by exchange of lattice vibration - Chemical Box created by chemical reaction
If the attractive force between electrons is stronger than the expulsion force caused by electric interaction between the electrons, the resulting force would attract the electrons toward each other and characteristic internal structure will be formed where each two electrons move together as a pair forming a Cooper pair.

02. Pyroelectritricity created by physical reaction
When electric current flows through the Power Saving Appliance, and if the increase of energy of Cooper pairs is less than the gap of energy, excitation state can not be created and the energy is not scattered allowing the continuous flow of electricity.

03. Electric effect
In order to be able to supply the resulting decrease of electric resistance through the power connection, the current decreased by radiation method, among other energy transmission methods, is supplied maintaining constant torque at load, which will effectively improve the power current.

ULTRA New Technology Principle

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